AIR IMPROVEMENT RESOURCE, Inc. (AIR) was formed in 1994 to provide engineering and consulting services in the area of mobile and stationary source emissions modeling and technology evaluation. AIR provides expert services on a broad spectrum of projects to national and international industries, associations, legal firms, and governmental agencies. AIR performs studies in the following areas:
- emission inventory modeling and analysis
- emission characterization, including the effect of fuel composition on emissions
- statistical analysis of emission data
- technology assessment
- analysis of fuel properties and the effects of different fuel properties on emissions
- development of fuel economy models and future fuel economy projections
- costs and cost-effectiveness of on-highway and off-highway vehicle engine/fuel-related emission regulatory controls
- health effects and exposure/risk assessment of air toxins analysis of ambient air data
- emissions and air quality trends analysis
- analysis of Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) programs and program data
- air quality plan development including U.S. State and Federal Implementation Plans
- greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis and modeling